Our Mission

“Love the Creator & His Creation like Jesus”


Jesus says this is the greatest command, “Love the Lord your Creator with all of your heart, mind, and being.” He says the second greatest command flows from it, “Love your fellow creatures as much as yourself.”

The entire focus of the life of Jesus was on faithfully embodying these two commands. In his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus shows us what it means to obey and fulfill these commands.

As the Church we are called to be the Body of Christ. Jesus invites us daily to follow in his footsteps and learn how to be faithful to these commands as he has modeled for us. He calls us to embody them in every thought, word, and action. He calls us, as the Church, to be an alternative political and economic reality to Civilization.

Jesus teaches us that to do this we must put the Creator above all others. We must be faithful, loyal, and obedient to him even above self, family, and nation. We must be willing to be persecuted and even die for this allegiance.

Jesus teaches us that if we love the Creator above all, then we will love what he has created. He teaches us how to embody the one human vocation that was given to us all when we were created: to serve and protect the Creator’s creation—the land, the animals, and each other. He teaches us that this loving service and protection of the creation requires self-sacrifice and putting the interests of the rest of creation above our own. He faithfully surrenders his own life to rescue the Creator’s creation from destruction and teaches us to do likewise.