Joining Us on the Journey

Do you want to be part of our church that is learning how to love and learning how to let go of our lives as we follow Jesus?

To be part of our church you must faithfully join the story of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by regularly participating in the sacramental life of this church. You must…

  1. …regularly participate in your Baptism into the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by publicly giving your total allegiance to Jesus as the only Lord and submitting to the pastoral leadership, teaching, correction, and forgiveness of this church;
  2. …regularly participate in Repentance by listening to the Creator, vulnerably confessing your struggles, letting go of Civilization’s Way, and following Jesus’s Way;
  3. …regularly participate in Communion by worshiping and studying with this church, sharing your resources and time with this church, caring for the members of this church as your brothers and sisters in Christ, and inviting those around you to follow Jesus.

Here is our current membership discernment process.

Never been baptized but have an interest?

Please contact Pastor Luke at to meet him and learn more about how you can find your true home with us.
